The following is a timeline of selected events telling the story of Jeff Taylor’s trail of alleged abuse and how the churches responded.
Before 1990:
Jeff Taylor is a youth leader at Winnetka Bible Church, IL.
It is not known if any abuse allegations occurred there. -
Taylor leads the Cornerstone youth ministry at The Falls Church Episcopal (TFCE)* under Rector John Yates. Taylor resigns voluntarily in 2002.
Taylor leads the Student to Student (STS) youth ministry at
Church of the Apostles (COTA), Atlanta. -
A former Cornerstone youth group member, now working for Taylor at COTA, learns of allegations that Taylor acted inappropriately with boys. Seeking Yates’ counsel, she asks if there is anything she should know about Taylor. She recalls Yates said “no,” and inferred that she had his blessing to keep supporting Taylor. The TFCA report implies this conversation occurred in early 2004 before Taylor left COTA, but the actual date is unknown.
January-March 2004
After the COTA allegation of inappropriate behavior with boys, pornography is found on Taylor’s computer at COTA. While this is under review, Taylor voluntarily resigns in April 2004.
April 2004
During Taylor’s hiring process with Christ Church of Atlanta (Anglican), they contact COTA for a reference. COTA does not share reports of Jeff’s alleged inappropriate behavior or the pornography. Yates also provides a positive reference to Christ Church.
May 2004-2009
Taylor leads the youth ministry at Christ Church.
Late 2004-Early 2005
Taylor asks Yates to preach at Taylor’s ordination at Christ Church and he does, even though a COTA staffer urges him not to.
Late 2006
TFCE leaves the Episcopal church and affiliates with a newly formed denomination, the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). TFCE is renamed The Falls Church Anglican (TFCA), and to reduce confusion, we’ll refer to Jeff’s years there as TFCA.
July 2007
Abuse Survivor makes an abuse disclosure to Yates. The Survivor recalls his telling Yates as “evidence that I wanted him to do something.” Yates recalls that the Survivor was not interested in formal action. The TFCA vestry, congregation, and Bishop are not informed. No investigation occurs.
September 2007
Yates confronts Taylor, who denies the allegations but admits to poor judgment with the abuse Survivor. Yates contacts Christ Church to inform them about the disclosure. Taylor is removed from youth ministry but remains on staff. The Bishop also issues a directive telling him to stay away from youth.
September 2009
When Taylor disobeys the directive, an investigation is opened. Taylor is forced to resign from Christ Church and is defrocked by the Anglican church. He is no longer an ordained priest.
Taylor is Director of the Red Cross chapter in Athens, GA.
It is unknown if any abuse allegations surfaced in Athens. -
Early 2015
TFCA abuse survivors make abuse disclosures to Yates and press him on why there had never been an investigation. The vestry, congregation, and Bishop are not informed. No investigation occurs.
Taylor works in development at the University of Cincinnati Foundation.
It is unknown if any abuse allegations surfaced in Cincinnati. -
May 2019
TFCA Rector John Yates retires and is succeeded by Rector Sam Ferguson.
April 2021
Two former TFCA parents write John Yates regarding the death of their son, an abuse Survivor, from alcohol abuse, and Yates meets with them. They ask whether TFCA will conduct an investigation, if it had not done so already in 2007 [it had not]. Through Yates, they ask if TFCA could connect with those who had been in youth ministry when Taylor was present and send a mass mailing. Yates mentions a 2007 sermon where he encouraged anyone who felt like they had been abused by the church to come forward. The parents asked for a copy of the sermon and Yates refers them to the Chancellor, Scott Ward.
May 5, 2021
The TFCA Executive Committee (ExCom) meets, comprised of the Senior and Junior Wardens, Sam Ferguson, the Senior Associate Rector, and Chancellor Scott Ward. Yates shares the parents’ concerns, including their request for TFCA to conduct mass outreach to former students. The Chancellor promises to find the 2007 sermon to send to the parents. Although there is discussion, no decision is made to do any type of announcement, investigation, or outreach, and no next steps are identified, except that Yates will continue meeting with the family.
June 2021 & October 2022
The parents send two emails to the Chancellor asking for a copy of the 2007 sermon referencing abuse. They do not receive a response to either email. When asked about this during the 2023-2024 Isler Dare investigation, the Chancellor says apologetically that it had simply “fallen off his radar.”
July 21, 2021
At the ExCom meeting, there is discussion on whether it would help people to receive healing and assistance if events that occurred 30 years ago were dredged up. As in the May meeting, no decision is made. Yates suggests starting a survivors’ counseling fund and remarks that he wants the congregation to know this was a serious problem and that the Church had done everything they could to prevent it. However, the congregation would not be told of Taylor’s alleged abuse until Fall 2023, and the counseling fund would not be established until April 2024. For the remainder of 2021, there is no record of ExCom discussion about the matter, and the vestry is not told about the discussions.
August 16, 2021
Another parent meets with Yates. This parent is in touch with the parents who met with Yates in April 2021 about their late son’s abuse. The parent urges him to outreach to other victims and to those whose faith suffered as the result of TFCA not being more open after the 2007 disclosure. A few months later, Yates tells the parent that it they knew of any victims, they could reach out to him and he would be glad to meet with them.
Fall 2023
The parents share their story with the Bishop Chris Warner of the Anglican Diocese of the Mid Atlantic (DOMA), of which TFCA is part. The Bishop tells TFCA to investigate.
Fall 2023
TFCA hires employment lawyer Eddie Isler of the Isler Dare law firm to investigate Taylor’s years at TFCA, and to some extent, Atlanta.
January 2024-Present
Taylor is retired and living in Cincinnati.
April 18, 2024
TFCA’s Isler Dare report is released along with Exhibits. An Addendum is released in August 2024.
April 2024
TFCA encourages anyone with information to contact the FBI to contribute to their active investigation.
April 21 and 25, 2024
TFCA hosts two congregational meetings to discuss the report. The April 25th meeting is preceded by a service of lament. TFCA shares that they are establishing a counseling fund for abuse Survivors.
May 4, 2024
Episcopal priest Porter Taylor, Taylor’s eldest son, releases a petition asking COTA Rector Michael Youssef to investigate if his father perpetrated sexual abuse while employed at COTA. If evidence of abuse is found, the petition also calls for counseling resources for Survivors, full cooperation with law enforcement, and a review of COTA child protection policies.
June 2, 2024
At a TFCA congregational meeting, TFCA announces with no explanation that Scott Ward has resigned from his role as Chancellor, the church’s chief attorney. For years prior, Ward had been Chancellor for ACNA, DOMA, and TFCA simultaneously, which some found to be a triple conflict of interest.
June 2, 2024
At a TFCA congregational meeting, an audience member reveals that in the past, TFCA used NDA separation agreements for several staff members. TFCA later responds by calling them “Confidentiality Agreements.” They also issue a letter encouraging former staff to contact FBI with any information, but they do not fully nullify the NDAs, despite calls to do so.
After June 2, 2024
After a particularly contentious June 2 congregational meeting where many tough questions were asked, TFCA leadership does not host another live, two-way, congregational meeting on the investigation. TFCA holds a total three congregational meetings; after that, communication is limited to quarterly letters.
August 2024
TFCA establishes a Care Team to “walk alongside current and former parishioners who are struggling…with the impact of Jeff Taylor’s actions or the findings of the investigative report.”
November 25, 2024
Bishop Chris Warner releases a comprehensive pastoral response to the TFCA investigation. He reveals that he issued John Yates and Sam Ferguson formal Letters of Godly Admonition, given their mistakes in handling the abuse allegations. A Letter of Godly Admonition “is a pastoral rather than disciplinary directive from a Bishop to a Priest and is intended for constructive and formational reasons for the Priest. However, if not followed, an admonition can lead to severe discipline.” He also reveals that Scott Ward is no longer Chancellor, i.e., attorney, for DOMA.